Laboratório de Telecomunicações e o Núcleo de Estudos em Redes Definidas por Software da UFES iniciam trabalho de cooperação Brasil-União Européia em Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação
A Secretaria de Políticas de Informática (Sepin) do Ministério de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (MCTI) e a Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa (RNP) aprovaram a proposta de consórcio que o Laboratório de Telecomunicações (Labtel) e o Núcleo de Estudos em Redes Definidas por Software (NERDS) da UFES participam. Ela foi submetida à linha de plataformas experimentais do Edital da 3ª Chamada Coordenada Brasil-União Européia em Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC).
Sob a coordenação da UFRGS e do Trinity College (Irlanda) , o projeto agrega ainda: UFES, Unicamp, UFMG, UFC, Intel-Brasil e Digitel. Do lado Europeu temos: Univ. de Bristol (Reino Unido), VTT (Finlândia), IT/PT (Portugal) e Intel (Alemanha). Teremos no "advisory board" do projeto a Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações (ANATEL) e a Ericsson-Brasil.
A UFES e a Univ. de Bristol têm posições especiais pois serão os hubs experimentais e ponte de integração/conexão das plataformas desenvolvidas dos dois lados do Atlântico. Será uma experiência pioneira para a UFES com grandes desafios para os diretamente envolvidos no projeto. Para terem uma ideia da amplitude da iniciativa, e das suas diversas áreas de aplicação, vejam o projeto "Bristol is Open" com o qual nos conectaremos (pareando também -mas parcialmente- a sua infra em Vitória):
Portanto, outros colegas da UFES (e pesquisadores de empresas locais) poderão também beneficiar-se da "plataforma aberta de experimentos em telecomunicações e redes entre o Brasil e a Europa" que o projeto visa desenvolver. Ela pode viabilizar, por exemplo, ampliação de escopo e das aplicações de diversas áreas de pesquisas desenvolvidas na UFES, e de projetos de empresas locais com base tecnológica, que dependam de conectividade de alta capacidade e/ou de mobilidade. Adesões de novas aplicações/demos à plataforma serão bem vindas pois este é exatamente o espírito da proposta aprovada.
Para mais informações:
FUTEBOL: Federated Union of Telecommunications Research Facilities for an EU-Brasil Open Laboratory
Abstract: FUTEBOL composes a federation of research infrastructure in Europe and Brazil, develops a supporting control framework, and conducts experimentation-based research in order to advance the state of telecommunications through the investigation of converged optical/wireless networks. Current wireless trends (cell densification, coordinated communication, massive MIMO) pose a new set of challenges that require the
joint consideration of optical and wireless network architectures. These problems are of direct impact to emerging economies such as Brazil, with highly heterogeneous infrastructure capabilities and demand, as well as to more established markets such as the EU, which aims to regain its leadership in the next generation of telecommunication technologies. FUTEBOL establishes the research infrastructure to address these research challenges through innovation over this infrastructure, with a consortium of leading industrial and academic telecommunications institutions. In this capacity, the methodology of the FUTEBOL project is organized into three steps: i) the composition of federated research infrastructure suited for integrated optical/wireless experimentation, ii) the development of a converged control framework to support experimentation on the federated research infrastructure, and iii) the direct advancement of telecommunications through research using the developed research infrastructure and control framework. The steps of FUTEBOL relate to one another in a layered manner: the end-user driven advancement of telecommunications relies on the development of the FUTEBOL converged control framework, which, in turn, requires the composition of federated research infrastructure. In this way, FUTEBOL directly addresses the agreed priority areas of Brazil and Europe cooperation to guide future innovation in the area of ICT. By leveraging and extending the prior work of the FIRE programme and FIBRE project, FUTEBOL expedites industry-centric innovation.
joint consideration of optical and wireless network architectures. These problems are of direct impact to emerging economies such as Brazil, with highly heterogeneous infrastructure capabilities and demand, as well as to more established markets such as the EU, which aims to regain its leadership in the next generation of telecommunication technologies. FUTEBOL establishes the research infrastructure to address these research challenges through innovation over this infrastructure, with a consortium of leading industrial and academic telecommunications institutions. In this capacity, the methodology of the FUTEBOL project is organized into three steps: i) the composition of federated research infrastructure suited for integrated optical/wireless experimentation, ii) the development of a converged control framework to support experimentation on the federated research infrastructure, and iii) the direct advancement of telecommunications through research using the developed research infrastructure and control framework. The steps of FUTEBOL relate to one another in a layered manner: the end-user driven advancement of telecommunications relies on the development of the FUTEBOL converged control framework, which, in turn, requires the composition of federated research infrastructure. In this way, FUTEBOL directly addresses the agreed priority areas of Brazil and Europe cooperation to guide future innovation in the area of ICT. By leveraging and extending the prior work of the FIRE programme and FIBRE project, FUTEBOL expedites industry-centric innovation.